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Blue Checkmark Award
for most pointless controversy
Damn, people actually got arrested for literal gamer crimes
Grand Theft Auto VI leaks
Couldn't happen to a better company
So THIS is the hill you wanna die on... I ain't gonna stop ya!
Hogwarts Legacy
Yikes folks, pretty toxic
People actually got more mad about the incest than the cannibalism
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
Incest, Cannibalism, and Jaywalking
>Dreamworks face
Princess Peach Boxart Change
Western Censorship?!?!? Strikes again!?!!?
30 seconds or less... or it's rigged!
"Please Wrap It Up"
The Game Awards
Too erotic to bear
Baldur's Gate Bear Sex
Just a game bro
So it's not just Notch who trickles out updates and takes long vacations
Minecraft Mob Vote Revolution
Look what they took from us... :(
she/it, man
Starfield Pronouns
how about you fuck/off xddd
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