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Silicon Valley Bank Award
for most notorious layoffs
A future lesson in the importance of hiring competent writers
Luminous Productions
Layoffs: Unknown, merged w/ Square Enix
Hopefully he handed them a free game on the way out
Epic Games
Layoffs: 830 employees/16% of the workforce
Wait which ones? There's been like four batches of layoffs
Layoffs: Hearthstone & OW Esports, unknown figure
Creative Assembly
Layoffs: Unknown
Divided they fall
Layoffs: Over 1100 employees
Buy studio → Sit on it for 2 years → Layoff all your staff before a product even releases → Game flops → Sell Studio → Repeat
Embracer Group
Layoffs: Around 904 employees
I knew it was over when these nimrods posted a "haters gonna hate" gif in 2021
Layoffs: Around 200 employees
Financial documents say that EA's "Momentum" and "Position of strength" allow it to lose $200 million dumping key employees
Electronic Arts
Layoffs: Around 800 employees, 6% workforce
There's a certain irony in the name of this company, given the circumstances
The Escapist
Layoffs: Unknown, some voluntarily resigned
What's both micro and soft? Why, retirement benefits of the employees of course!
Layoffs: Around 10,000 employees
Destiny 2 players in shambles after Lightfall flopped. Surely The Final Shape will be good... surely
Layoffs: roughly 100 employees
After their botched NFT experiment, employee salaries now have to cover shorts
Layoffs: Around 124 employees
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